Each year, Pallas Projects invite two peers – artists, writers, educators, curators – to review and subsequently nominate several art practices, selected via an editorial process. Such a review-type exhibition within Irish art practice acts to revisit; to be a reminder, a critical appraisal, and consolidation of ideas and knowledge; to facilitate and encourage collaboration, crossover, and debate. Not a group exhibition per se, Periodical Review is a discursive action, with the gallery as a magazine-like layout of images that speak (the field talking to itself). This is the exhibition as a resource, in which we invite agents within the field to engage with and re-present what were for them significant moments, practices, works, activity, objects: nodes within the network.
Susan Buttner, Bassam Al-Sabah, Artists' Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment, Basic Talks, Megan Burns, Sophie Daly, Robert Dunne, Marie Farrington, Austin Hearne, Sam Keogh, Stephen Loughman, Brian Maguire, Dennis McNulty, Celina Muldoon, Ciara O'Neill, Fiona Reilly, Sean O'Rourke, Seoidín O’Sullivan, Cliodhna Timoney, Lee Welch. Selected by James Merrigan, Aisling Prior, Mark Cullen, and Gavin Murphy.